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The Board of Trustees of the SOUTH LAKE MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT of Lake County, Illinois, pursuant to the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, hereby provides the public with the notice of its schedule of meetings for the 2025 year. All meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Conference   Room in the Deerfield Village Hall, 850 Waukegan Road, Deerfield, Illinois. the regular meeting dates established for 2025 are:

The Regular Meeting Dates Established for 2025

March 10 August 11
April 14 September 15
May 12 October 13
June 9 November 10
 July 14  

Public Comment Policy

The President shall conduct District meetings in an orderly manner.  No person in the audience shall engage in disorderly conduct, including any act that disturbs, disrupts, or otherwise impedes the orderly conduct of any District meeting or the presentation of any speaker.

During the public comment portion of District meetings, all public comments, if any, are limited to three (3) minutes per individual.  Individuals are directed to be brief and concise in making their remarks and to address topics directly relevant to business of the District.

The President, after on warning, may rule any individual addressing the District out of order if the individual:

1) Becomes repetitive;

2) Exceeds the three-minute limitation;

3) Makes personal attacks against others;

4) Makes rude, vulgar, profane, or slanderous remarks;

5) Becomes threatening or boisterous; or

6) Otherwise interferes with the orderly and dignified conduct of the meeting.

If an individual is ruled out of order and is found by the President to be out of order, he or she may be barred from further remarks at that District meeting and barred from further attendance at that meeting.

 Nothing herein is intended to limit or restrain negative, positive, or neutral comments about the manner in which a Trustee carries out his or her duties in public office of the District.

 Adopted by the Board of Trustees, Southlake Mosquito Abatement District, September 9, 2013