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Your Board:

The following individuals serve as unpaid District Trustees:

Our mission is to protect the health and safety of the residents and taxpayers of Bannockburn, Riverwoods, Deerfield, Highland Park,and Highwood by reducing the risk of disease through science-based, ecologically sound mosquito control. We accomplish this efficiently and effectively.  We have no employees, no pension costs, no facilities and no equipment.  We outsource all seasonally required services to our contractor, Clarke, the foremost mosquito environmental management firm.

South Lake Mosquito Abatement District practices integrated mosquito control. In summary, we do:

1. Proactive inspection and larviciding of up to 6,700 storm drains and above-ground breeding sites from may to October.

2. Surveillance of 22 mosquito traps for targeted prevention and adult mosquito control

3. Aerial survey for stagnant and abandoned swinning pools

4. Larval control assistance to residents due to stagnant water on their property

5. Public education and community outreach

6. Informative Website and Mosquito Hotline for voluntary notification system


The South Lake Mosquito Abatement District was created by State statutory procedure in the 1920’s.

Voluntary annexations of territories not included in the original District has taken place over the years. Several towns (Bannockburn and Riverwoods), Deerfield west of Wilmot Road, and in more recent cases (Fort Sheridan), subdivisions and land parcels or corporate properties have been annexed into the district to receive mosquito management services. Funding: The District receives no money from the County government. It only receives funds from real property taxes. In 2016 the amount received from a home with a market value of $600,000 was approximately $24.50—the price of a few cans of mosquito repellent. Who We Serve: SLMAD serves the Villages and Cities of Deerfield, Riverwoods, Bannockburn Highwood and Highland Park, including Fort Sheridan.  A small portion of unincorporated Lake County is also served. The district is an independent governmental unit, operating in good standing under the original State statute. Major Principle of Operation: to reduce risk of disease through science-based mosquito control and maintain quality of life.  How we do this: Education of the public about mosquito control and ways to avoid disease. Notifications of actions taken by the SLMAD encouraging removal of standing water answering complaints and questions addressing issues such as abandoned swimming pools etc. sending out material or distributing materials of interest, through mail, newspapers, website and farmers’ markets etc. distributing age-appropriate information to local schools Surveillance includes Regular monitoring of 18 traps located all over the district for mosquito population numbers and disease. Reporting of standing water and abandoned or neglected swimming pools etc. Treatment when appropriate. Prevention reducing mosquito populations through prehatch applications larviciding standing water areas.